Monday, July 09, 2012

Our three days in Hades ...

... (rumble outside)
"Man, I'd better get in the shower really quick and get this hair coloring rinsed out of my hair ~ fast before the storm comes!"
(while rinsing my hair in the shower ~ CRACK!!!)
"Oh shit! (oops)"
(no power in the house)
"Well, I guess I will have to get the rest of this hair coloring out of my hair with the cold water now!"
(then power comes back ... one, two, three seconds later ... power out again)

And on the hottest, most humid weekend we've had thus far here, the power stayed out for the next three days while our electrical company (Met Ed) continued to do their "usual" bang-up job. So from Saturday night around 5:00PM until Monday night around (believe it or not) 5:00PM, we suffered through the most horrible heatwave. On Saturday it was 100 degrees outside (110 in the house) and on Sunday it was 91 degrees out (and 101 in house). It was a rough weekend for us all.

What's more, I pitied the animals terribly as they are 100% indoor pets and not used to the deadly heat, without benefit of air conditioning, anymore than we are. I kept dipping their hair brush in cold water and brushing them with it in an effort to give them some relief. I also put ice cubes in their water daily. Oh yeah, did I mention that we had to throw away $200.00 worth of groceries in the frig?

I won't even get started on those a-holes from the electrical company. Let's just say that they are more screwed up than people probably would think. The only reason we now have electrical power is because of the crew of linemen from New Hampshire who actually did  know what they were doing. "Hats off" to the New Hampshire crew! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

We have definitely decided to switch to the PP & L (Pennsylvania Power & Light) electrical company from now on, says hubby. I quite agree.

Hope everyone is surviving the heat okay!


  1. oh no! We were only without for 15 hours and I was baking! Glad you all are past it now!

    1. Willow ~ Wow! You guys certainly were very lucky. I hear that Virginia and New Jersey got hit really badly also!

    2. Monique ~ Awesome! I am so glad that you received your gift in the mail in one piece! Thank you for letting me know as promised.

      Big hugs and THANK YOU ~


  2. That's horrible, no idea that you guys were without power, in this heat! How about your folks? Hope it has cooled down some for you; it cooled off here, in fact it is 60 degrees right now at 10:15 pm. Good luck with the new power company.

    1. Robin ~ Thankfully, my parents were not affected by the horrible storm and neither were my in-laws!



  3. I am so sorry to hear about your heat woes! We too are in the middle of a nasty heat wave but we are lucky in that we still have power. May cooler temps come your way and fingers crossed you won't lose any more $$ on throwing away groceries. That hurts!!

    1. Thank you so much, my friend! There is definitely a reason I prefer Spring and Fall to Summer and Winter any day. LOL!



  4. Oh Kim, I'm so very sorry to hear you are having such troubles with heat and power outage. Such a shame to have to throw away such good groceries. I hope you will get some cooler weather soon.

    I wanted to let you know that I received your package. Thank you so much !! I have posted about it on my blog ; )
    Hugs and I'm thinking about you all !!

    1. Monique ~ Awesome! I am so glad that you received your gift in the mail in one piece! Thank you for letting me know as promised.

      Big hugs and THANK YOU ~


  5. I got stuck in the shower once because one of our landlords in the past didn't pay his water bill. That soap sure can burn one's eyes!

  6. My friend, I am so sorry!!! I am happy to hear all of you survived ok! Your poor pets! I feel so sorry for you all! All the food you had to throw out too! I am happy everything is back and I hope it doesn't happen again! Big Hugs ;o)
    I hope it has cooled down for you guys a bit ;o)
