Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Radiofrequency Ablation

Merry Meet again all!! I have an update on my dad that I just felt that I needed to share with you. As you know, my father has been suffering from chronic arthritis for a few years now ~ every year getting worse as his doctors have tried several different treatments including physical therapy in combination with pain meds.

A week ago, they tried something different. It is called Radiofrequency Ablation for arthritis pain and it is a procedure which involves using an electrical current by a radio wave to heat up a small area of nerve tissue, thereby decreasing pain signals from that specific area. This procedure is known for producing very good results which usually last up to 5 or 6 months.

My dad, Bill and my mom, Elrita taken on Mother's Day 2012

So far, my dad has noticed immediate results! His appetite has returned and he is able to function much, much better than before. My mom says that he is doing great! I can't tell you all how happy and relieved this makes me. I will also continue to give him his reiki treatments as he loves how they "relax" him so.


  1. yay!! Glad he has found something to give him some relief!

    1. Thanks, Willow!! I am soo gald too! ;)

      Love and miss ya ~


  2. That's a wonderful picture of your mother and father; they both look so loving and kind, for I feel I can see that in their eyes. I'm so happy that your father is feeling better!

    1. Thank you so much, Lon! I am happy to say that you are very right. Both my parents are good souls and I feel very blessed to have them!

      Hugs, Kim

  3. Richard Drew Bechtold17 July, 2012 15:42

    That is fantastic Kim! Glad to hear that treatment is offering him hope and relief!

  4. Oh, I am so glad this has help your Dad. And I'm happy to hear you are going to continue the Reiki treatments. Has he consider acupuncture? I don't know if that would work, but it really has made a big difference for me.

    Our Mother's Blessings to you and yours

  5. Kim, I am so happy for your father! This is great! Love the picture of your parents! I have written the information down for my mom, because she has bad arthritis in her hands. Big Hugs ;o)

  6. Have never heard of this treatment, but it must be fantastic to have helped your dad like this! How wonderful. This is the best news I have heard in a long time. And it must give you and your Mom some peace of mind knowing he isn't experiencing the same pain day after day. Wonderful photo of your parents!!!

  7. Glad it is helping him. I know you worry about him alot and your Mother and in-laws. It's hard to see our parents getting older and having health issues.Call me or message me.
