Tuesday, July 31, 2012

That time again ...

Every year in early August, my hubby's family reunion rolls around. As part of the day's activities there is always a big auction for both kids and adults. These are usually nickel, dime and quarter items which help pay for the food and grove rental expenses. And it's a lot of fun because everything is wrapped up in paper so no one knows what they are actually getting!

This is also the time of the year when I scoot upstairs to the attic and grab a couple of boxes full of stuffed animals which I won in crane machines several years ago. There is nothing wrong with them, in fact, they have been sitting around in boxes since I brought them home with me.  Believe it or not, I literally used to walk out of restaurants and pubs with bags full of these things. Here are the ones I plan to take to the family reunion this weekend ...

Instead of just taking up room in the attic collecting dust, I decided that they would make great auction gifts for the kids who, by the way, truly love them! I always like watching their little faces light up when they unwrap one of these guys.

still actually have so many boxes of stuffed animals left that I also donate them to "Toys for Tots" every year at Christmas time. After all,  young or old, who doesn't love stuffed animals?


  1. Good grief, how do you get so many from the machines??
    You are blessed to have so many relatives and a family reunion. I do envy you.

    1. LOL! Let's just say that the fun was in the challenge more than anythng. One time there was this little girl watching me play as I got one of them and after it dropped down into the shoot, I picked it up and gave it to her her. LOL!

  2. I have a stuffed animal tree and it holds the animals that Hubby brought home to me from the machines...I should do as you, but they're mine and I pet them every so often...they are soft and squishy...

    1. Judy ~ I don't blame you for not wanting to give away something that your hubby gave to you. I also keep the stufffed animals that are peronal to me. Those I will keep always!

      Blessings, my friend!

  3. I don't suppose you'd let me buy the little cream colored bear with the pink feet in your second picture?

    That thing is so cute it hurts.

    1. Shannon ~ LOL!! You're too funny! If you are actually serious, you can have that little bear if you like. I would just need you to e-mail me your address to send it to. You live in Maryland correct? My e-mail is Ladycaer1964@yahoo.com


  4. Hey Kim ;o) Me home ;o) This is a great idea with the stuffed animals! Stuffed animals are perfect for anyone, at any age ;o) You must have been great on those machines!! Hugs ;o)
