Sunday, August 19, 2012

Inspiring Awards From Inspiring Friends!

Wow, I am so very honored as I just found out that I was nominated by Renee from her beautiful blog, "Star Steps" for a "Very Inspiring Blogger Award!! Thank you bunches, Renee and big hugs for putting a smile on my face!

Now, the rules for accepting this awesome award are as follows:

1) Display the award logo on your blog
2) Link back to the person who nominated you
3) List 7 things about yourself
4) Nominate 15 others as well for this award and link to them
5) Notify those bloggers of their nominations and the award's requirements

Okay all, here goes ~ 7 things about me ...

1) I have been an Eclectic Wiccan/Pagan for as far back as I can remember as a child and I am also a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan Priestess who reveres Mother Earth and Father God in their many asepcts in Nature.

2) I love animals, most especially cats of which my hubby and I have four. We also have a 3-year old male dwarf bunny named Sam whom our cats adore.

3)  I am a Reiki Level II Practitioner and I incorporate both the Angels and the Goddess and God ("The One") into my reiki practice.

4) Even though I am a Solitary Wiccan, I sometimes join my other solitary Wiccan friends for sabbats and esbats. I also enjoy celebrating with my Wiccan High Priestess friend of many, many years and her coven, "The Coven of the Silver Moon Circle" from time to time.

5) I like to write poetry in its' many forms be it about paganism, people, animals, etc.

6) What gives me the most pleasure out of life, though, is spending time with my family and friends ~ for these are the things in my life for which I have been very blessed with!

7)  I enjoy watching all kinds of movies ~ funny, romantic, dramatic, Science Fiction, and especially educational. I watch a lot of the History Channel, Animal Planet, A&E Network, and among my favorite shows are Supernatural, Psych, Dallas (the new one), Big Bang Theory, My Cat From Hell, CIS NY, NCIS, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, South Park, to name a few. And oh yes, I AM a Star Trek fan and have attended numerous Trek Conventions.

Shew! Now I would like to announce my nominations for the "Very Inspiring Blogger Award." Although it was hard to pick as there are so very many great blogs out there, here they are:

1) Wiccan Writes
2) Cottage Tails
3) That Witch is True
4) Magpie Hollow
5)The Deepest Well
6) MagicLoveCrow
7) Pagan Culture
8) Art Sings1946
9) Everyday Domestic Goddess
10) Salem's Creations
11) Riding on a Broomstick
12) Sunshine Shelle
13) Welcome to My World
14) Life of a Domestic Witch
15) The Year of the Cats

Many thanks again to Renee and all of my other treasured friends as well for whom I have been fortunate enough to have met through Blogland! Please be sure to check out these many awesome blogs! I think you will enjoy them as I know that I do!

Brightest Blessings to everyone!



  1. Thanks so much Kim for the award. I haven't received a blog award in a long time and this made me so happy. you and I have almost exactly the same taste in t.v. shows. Wish we lived closer so we could watch tv together and practice a little magick : )

  2. Wendy, you are so very welcome and I enjoy your blog very much, my friend!

    Brightest Blessings,


  3. Congrats! My friend Stacy has said some wonderful things about your poetry, so I should be ingesting some of your goodness made word soon; inspiring indeed.

    Thanks for the nomination. I am honored, but I can't accept it. I'm a bit a rebel when it comes to awards, and I usually write whatever comes to mind at the time, so... I'm not too good at following award rules *sigh*

    Thanks a million for the nomination!

    1. Magaly ~ No problem. Thank you for your kind comment and the way in which you declined the award. I must say that you are one classy gal! ;)

      Brightest Blessings to you !


  4. Thank you so much for the nomination. You rock and yes I nominate you again, hehe....

    Love and Light,

    1. LOL! You're very welcome ~ thank you!! I do enjoy your blog very much as it is very up-lifting and positive!



  5. Thanks for the award - I'll try and get around to it - my past record at doing them is not too flash.
    Love Leanne

  6. Thanks for the award Kim. I just don't do awards and I hope you understand ... they are great but I'm not one to do all that is required. Thank you so much for thinking of me though.

    Love Always,

  7. Hi, I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

  8. Please accept my apologies in thanking you for this lovely award! What GREAT company I am in here! :) It warms my heart to know that my blog is appreciated and liked. I'd like to gift this honor back to you, who offered it to me in the spirit in which it was given. Thank you again! Have a most lovely week!!!!
