Friday, August 31, 2012

Last Night's Blue Moon pics ...

I hope everyone enjoyed a great view of the Goddess in all Her beauty with last night's gorgeous Full Moon. It was the last Blue Moon we shall see until 2015. Here are just a few shots hubby and I took from our backyard ...

"Pray to the Moon when She is round,
 Luck with you shall then abound
 What you seek for shall be found,
 In sea or sky or solid ground."


  1. Such a glorious Lady, wasn't she? Love your photos! Happy September (3 weeks till Mabon, yay!)

  2. She was beautiful last night. Our son took a look out the window and claimed that She didn't look blue. Funny kid!! The poem/prayer above is the one I use every full moon. Such a beautiful one! Roll on 2015!!

  3. Awe, I couldn't see her well last night because it was cloudy here. It makes me happy to see that you were able to capture such beautiful images.

  4. Beautiful photos...The moon was hiding from me, so I'm glad you got some photos.

  5. Wasn't she beautiful ;o) I love your photos! And, your poem is amazing! Do I have that one? LOL! Hugs ;o)
