Friday, August 17, 2012

So far, so good ...

Many thanks to everyone who sent our cat, Kiki, well wishes and healing thoughts! So far, the antibiotic shot the vet gave her Wednesday night seems to be helping her. We have not noticed any vomiting and she appears to be much more active and back to normal. The past couple of nights, Midnight has given up "his" bed pillow so that she could make herself comfortable (as shown above).

Tonight, hubby was working on our plumbing under the kitchen sink when she decided to pick up a little plastic ring off the floor and play fetch with it! She would bring it to me, I would throw it and she would bring it back to me again and drop it at my feet. So cute! What is even cuter is that Midnight hasn't left her side since we brought her back from the vet.

All that I can say is so far, so good and thank you all for thinking of her! It means a lot!


  1. Woohoo, glad she's feeling better.

  2. So good to hear she is doing better; and how sweet of Midnight to be such a a good "nurse" and comfort.

  3. I am so happy that she is doing better ;o) Midnight is a darling, taking care of her! I love that he has given up his pillow! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ Me, too! Midnight is really such a little sweetheart!


