Sunday, September 30, 2012

25th Annual Celtic Classic

Today we attended the 25th Anniversary of the Celtic Classic Highland Games and Festival in Bethlehem, PA. This is an extremely large yearly celebration held on the last weekend of September.

This event has authentic Irish and Scottish cuisine, music, entertainment and games.  They hold bagpipe competitions in the street and field, and Drum Major constests (kilts in toe) with contestants from all over ...

These guys are called, "Dark Rose" and hail from New York

Exciting live Celtic music!
River Dancing!
Stone Tossing in the sports arena
A Drum Major throwing his baton high in the air! He caught it!
Participants of all ages got into the spirit!
Dozens of cool venders
A police officer all dressed up and posing pretty for the camera!
And, of course, I couldn't resist picking up these little beauties! It is "The Four Seasons of Green Man." I orderd the other two for the set from the vender who just happenes to live a mile away from us ...
Hubby also surprised me with this gorgeous sitting mermaid for the house. I just love her! ...
We had such a great time and I took the pics with the new Fuji Digital camera that hubby gave me for our wedding anniversary. I got him a very large, heavy crystal mug from "Things Remembered" with his name engraved on a silver plate.
Tomorrow is the last day of my week's vacation and I will be cleaning much of the day.  I also found out just last night that I was the winnner of Sandy Sandy's awesome Fall Giveaway as well as winning a wonderful piece from Stacy from her blog MagicLoveCrow!  Whoo hoo! I am so excited about the beautiful artwork I will be receiving in the mail from these very talented artists! All in all, it's been a pretty great time off for me. I could get used to this! LOL!


  1. ...sO goOd to read of such wonderful moments! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred heart!...(:

  2. Kim, wow!!! Looks like you guys had a great time! Wish I could have went! I know I would have been buying somethings too! I love what you bought!! And, double wow!! look at that mermaid!! She is gorgeous!!! You have for sure had a great time off! You deserve it! Congrats on the wins!! Big Hugs ;o) I will e-mail tomorrow, when your package is on the way ;o)

  3. Kim, I would have loved to have gone to this Celtic celebration with you. Great photos!! All those men in kilts!!!
    I love your mermaid, she is absolutely gorgeous.
    Also the 4 seasons of the Green Man...fabulous!!!
    We are lucky winners too, aren't we?? Both of us winning the giveaways!! hurray!

  4. That looks like such a fun time! And YAY for being a winner!

  5. Love your decor!!! Especially the mermaid : ) I'm glad you had an awesome time and congrats on winning!!! Love and Light.....

  6. Looks like a wonderful event. Glad you got to go and enjoy it!

  7. I've been once to a local highland games here and I loved them...Great photos you took and your Green man is wonderful as well as your gorgeous mermaid is!
