Sunday, September 09, 2012

An addition to the give-away!

Blessed Sunday all! I have decided that since I had gotten such a great response to the Leafy Lanterm (both here and on Facebook), I would add an additonal gift to my Countdown to Mabon Give-Away. It is a much smaller version of the one I posted about previously and instead of using a string of white Faerie lights (white lights) I had to use a tea light. Unfortunately, it is far too early around here to buy much of a variety of lights, and the smaller strings are not sold until closer to the Thanksgiving season. But you get the same type of effect none-the-less ...

Again, the drawing will be held on Saturday, September 22nd!

Brightest Blessings ~



  1. That is lovely, what a sweet idea!

  2. Kim, this is so sweet of you! I love the little version ;o) Big Hugs my sister ;o)
