Saturday, September 22, 2012

BLESSED MABON! (and the winner's are ...)

“The countdown done;
  Mabon is here,
 Wishing you all
 The season’s cheer
  My offering now ~
  Whose names I choose; 
 These little trinkets
 For autumn’s muse!”

(Lady Caer Morganna)

And the winner of the Mabon Witch Bottle is ...
Fearless Fallen Angel from "The Rennaissance Woman"
And the Leafy Lantern goes to Desert Siren from "Everyday Domestic Goddess"
Congrats to both the winner's and a huge "Thank You" to all of you who have participated in the drawing! If the winner's would please e-mail me their addresses at, I would be happy to send them their gifts. However, as per usual, if I do not hear from the winner's within three days, I will pick another winner in their place.
Today also happens to be my hubby and I's 11th Wedding Anniversary! That's right my friends, 11 years ago today, we had our legal Wiccan Handfasting on Mabon! For me, this season holds so many good things ~ the Goddess' beautiful bounty, the life-giving fruits of the God, and gorgeous colors all around us ...
Best wishes all for a very Blessed Mabon!


  1. Congratulations to the winners and a VERY HAPPY anniversary!

    Blessings of Mabon to you!

  2. Congrats to the lucky recipients of your giveaway, Kim! Blessed Mabon to you and yours! And Happy Happy Anniversary, 11 years of wedded bliss! Enjoy the weekend!!

  3. Congrats to the winners, nice prizes! Have a blessed Mabon and congrats to YOU on your anniversary. May your Mabon's be full of warmth, comfort and all things beautiful

  4. Yay me!!! I'm so excited!! Going to email you now. Very Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!! Love and Light.....
    Your Friend,

  5. Happy Anniversary! Blessed Mabon! And WOOHOO ME! I emailed you my info. So excited!!!


  6. Blessed Mabon! Yeh to the lucky winners and Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby ;o) Big Hugs! I've missed you!
