Thursday, September 13, 2012

UPDATE on the Witchy Cats Halloween Photo Contest!!

For those of you who are members of either my Wiccan Life blog or my Witch Cats Blog and are interested in entering my Witchy Cats Halloween Photo Contest, I have decided to extend it to include this blog as well.

Both the winner and the runner-up's cat pic will be posted on both blogs along with a few honorable mentions. Again, the deadline for this contest is Friday, October 5th and the winners will be announced on Saturday, October 6th.

IMPORTANT: I will need at least 6 entries in order to make this contest actually worth it. So, come on everyone let's have some holiday fun and show off our fabulous kitties while we are at it!!!

Blessed Be All!


  1. GOod idea, and I hope I can get my kittens to cooperate somehow!!

  2. Thanks so much for expanding it to this blog; an entry has been sent!

    1. Jacqueline ~ You're very welcome! Thank you for you're submission. Your Blue sounds like a real sweetie pie and he is so pretty!



  3. Come on everyone! Get taking pictures of your cats!!!

  4. I just sent you two pictures (email) for the contest

    1. Excellent! I will add them to the contest! These are great!!! Yeah!



  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! That is my little boy, Midnight all dressed up as a wizard for last year's Halloween! LOL! ;)

  6. Hello Goddess Kim this is Meladee (The Desert Siren) from Everyday Domestic Goddess and this is my entry for your contest YAY.....

    Well this was taken not to dress him up for a contest but rather my 5 year old daughter torturing him, lol. He was such a good sport he kept the wings on for almost 3 hours before he looked at me like "HELP ME!!" He is the sweetest cat one can ever meet.
    His name is Goliath and he is a rescue from our local pound and was on death row. He had been there for almost 2 years stuck in a little glass box. We went there looking for our lost cat and as I walked by he had his face smooshed up against the glass and just wanted to be loved. So we asked to see him in the bonding area and the family just fell in love. And since he was in the 5+ years old category we got him at a discount (I know sounds weird but true) so for 20 bucks we got us a new love. So they really dont know his exact age they tell us 5 years old. He was found after his original owners said he ran away and found inside of an abandon broken down car which he was stuck inside. If you look at his left eye you can see its half shut. It got cut somehow and now he has scarring in that eye which causes it to always be smaller looking and very watery. He's okay with his eyesight but we still get it looked at during his check ups. He gets along with everyone and every animal. Anyone who walks in this house gets a warm welcome from him and dogs, other cats, birds and even our turtles he will rub his head against. I cant imagine putting this lovable cat down. I'm so happy we found him.

    So that's my entry, thanks so much for your fun and awesome blogs Kim.
    Love and Light....
    Your Friend,

    1. Mel ~ I gotta tell you that your beautiful story about Goliath simply brought tears to my eyes! You are a very giving and caring person and he is certainly as lucky to have you as you are him! Thank you so much for your entry!

      Blessings, my friend ~

