Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Odds and ends ...

Good afternoon ALL! It's been very cold and rainy for the past few days here, but I am not complaining because I LOVE FALL!!!! I wanted to let everyone know that I sent out all of your prizes and gifts from my Witchy Cats Halloween Photo Contest yesterday. PLEASE let me know when you receive them as apparently the last time I used this particular mail service, there was a mix up on their end! If that should happen by chance, please feel free to let me know immediately by e-mail and I can have them redirect the mail properly. (Jacqueline, I still need to send you your gift so if you could please e-mail me your address I will be happy to sent it out to you right away my friend!)

Now as you are all very much aware, I love Jim Shore! Today while visiting our local mall, I simply couldn't resist purchasing this little beauty. It's called "Friday Night Flight" ...

I really adore the way the cats eyes are looking up at his witch so lovingly! Truthfully, that is what really sold this piece for me. Well, that and the really beautifully painted full moon on her dress. Can't help but to  LOVE Samhain!!!!


  1. I absolutley love your new little gift to yourself. That moon is definitley beautifully painted. Such a Beautiful dedicated to Witches and, Of course, Samhain. :)

    Hope your day and evening are Blessed!


  2. Kim, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!!!! You know what, I wanted to buy this piece, when I saw it on the Jim Shore web site. Well, I contacted two stores, that I know carry his pieces around where I live. They contacted their supplier in the United States, and this figure is not being sold in Canada!!! ;o( Also, I wanted your wicked cat piece too and that one is not being sold in Canada either? What is up with that? I guess I am not meant to buy any of them this year! I'm happy you got it ;o) Now I can look at yours ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  3. Oi, so sorry, this has been one of those 'interesting' weeks! What an adorable wee gift to yourself.

  4. Kim, I love the Jim Shore Halloween figures. This one is particularly pretty!! Lucky you.

  5. Beautiful piece! I say the more rain during autumn the better! Makes the season feel like it should!

  6. I absolutey LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Jim Shore witch!!! As you know I adore all of his witch figures and I would love to own them all :D

    I also love the way the cat is looking up at the witch...gorgeous!!!

    Hugs My Friend and Fellow Witch Lover,

  7. How fun is she! I've bought a few Halloween goodies but nothing like these! I'll have to investigate more and see where I can get a good witchy like yours for myself.

  8. On top of which, she looks so happy! I love a smiling Witch. :-)

