Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The waiting game

Greetings my dear friends! My apologies for being out of the blog loop for a few days, but I am utilizing much of my time and energy lately to taking good care of Mr. Gray. Since he has been completely quarantined downstairs away from the rest of our cats, I have been spending as much time as possible with him. Hubby bought some chewable vitamins to help supplement his daily food intake. It is our sincere hope that this aids in strengthening his immune system somewhat. I make sure to completely change his litterbox every other day and he gets fresh spring water and top of the line food daily (on top of a lot of lovin') ...

Eventhough we have not exposed our other cats to him, we have had them to the vets for their FeLeuk shots, and we always wash our hands after handling him, eventhough the disease is NOT airbourne, we are not taking any chances!

Saffice it to say, this is going the be the longest most nerve-racking month for us all ~ ever! I have done so much net-surfing in an attempt to get as much info as I possibly can regarding this, I can honestly tell you that it makes my head spin.

More importantly; however, I want to express my sincere and heartfelt graditude to ALL OF YOU for your wonderful and caring thoughts and prayer of support! Regardless of what happens in the end, I feel so very blessed to have you all in my life ~ as does Mr. Gray.

Much love to everyone!



  1. Kim, you and your hubby are such good parents to your fur babies! I will keep sending Mr. Gray lots of healing energy! Big Hugs to everyone ;o)

  2. Still holding Mr. Gray in my thoughts. Tonight's full Moon shall get an extra request of healing directed at all of you!

  3. Kim, you and your hubby are so dedicated to this sweet little cat; a true act of love. No matter the outcome, Mr. Gray is getting the love, attention and healing energies he needs and would never have gotten if you had not rescued him. You have saved him from a terrible fate on the streets. For that alone, you are blessed.

  4. Sending lovely strong full moon healing thoughts :)

  5. Oh Kim, I know you're heart is breaking with this whole situation, but just take a moment at a time which it sounds like you're doing. Mr. Gray might be blessed to have many more beautiful years with you and family. I know how scared you must be though of this whole situation. Sending lots of blessings to you, Mr. Gray and the rest of your babies.

  6. He is in my prayers. I wrote to you on facebook but I guess you didn't see it. Obviously you have alot on your mind with this. I think building his immune system will definitely help him. Call me if you get a chance to talk!

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you Kim. I experienced this years ago but I believe Mr. Grey will make it through this and go on to lead a healthy long life!
