Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Good day everyone! Mr. Gray sends lots of love and hugs to all of our thoughtful and caring friends! At present, he is being allowed to explore the downstairs cellar as he his getting a bit weary of us cooping him up in his, although rather large for a cat, cage.

I have actually been cleaning up down there for him in an effort to make it as safe as possible for him to roam around. Right now, the only way he is free to walk around in our cellar is under mom's careful supervision, but after I am completely finished he will have his own little apartment for cats! Hubby and I are finally getting rid of all the unecessary items ~ trashing whatever we no longer have use for and/or haven't used in many years. I need to vaccuum the floor, add more area rugs, and clean each and every corner as it is still afterall ... a cellar! 

He seems to be doing okay and beginning to get acclaimated to his new surroundings pretty quickly. In fact, he appears to be drawn to my Reiki room and loves to lie underneath my reiki bed ...

I have also decided to try some reiki treatments on him. I admit that I do not have near as much experience with animals as I do people, but I am certainly willing to give it a try. Needless to say, he is being treated just a king ~ LOL!


  1. He looks happy and well adjusted. ☺

  2. King Mr. Gray, you are looking so good! I am still sending you healing prayers our precious cat ;o)
    Kim, I think it's so special that you are cleaning the cellar for him. I think it's so cute, that he likes to sit under your Reiki bed. I know when Falco was alive, I would massage him and he loved it! Would fall asleep on me! Big Hugs to everyone ;o)

  3. Kim, I think reiki will be just the thing for our Gray-fella. It's good also that you are using his presence to take care of the cellar...maybe I need to find me some more cats, lol!! I have some areas that need tossing!

  4. One of our cats was the first "patient" I gave Reiki to when I completed my Level 1. She was so sick at the time, and lo and behold, she improved slowly and surely. I too shall offer over my Reiki energy to Mr. Gray. Do let him know that he shall receive some distance therapy as well as from right at home! Blessings to you both. You are taking fantastic care of him!

  5. Mr. Gray is very lucky to have found you! Reiki works for animals as well so go for it!

  6. Still hoping for positive results for the 2nd test. And, sending love :)

  7. Thank you for following our blog. I am so sorry to read about Mr Gray and this confusing test result. I am keeping all crossed for you it turns out to be incorrect. It is a heartbreaking condition especially when it means a cat must live in isolation. You do good work and I hope you are rewarded with good luck. Minerva x

  8. I"m so glad that Mr. Gray has such a loving family, esp. in these circumstances. Cats are amazingly adaptable, learning that when I moved from my house to an apt. I'll continue so send blessings of healing for Mr. Gray.
