Monday, December 10, 2012

Very special gifts from a very lovely sister!

Today, I received a very special surprise package in the mail from my very sweet and thoughtful friend, Stacy from her lovely blog, "Magic Love Crow."

Stacy sent me an extremely beautiful handcrafted gemstone necklace laced with silver pentagrams and gorgeous cats!! This particular piece of jewelry is purrfect and I can't wait to wear it for my sabbat celebrations and handfasting ceremonies ...

And, not only did she honor me with such a breath-taking and heart-felt gift, but she also sent along some "All Natural Temptations" goody treats for my kitties! How lucky they are to have such a terrific Auntie! Hugs and purrs from ALL of them, Aunt Stacy!!

There is a saying which goes, "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves," and, Stacy, I have been very blessed to have you as my sister!! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, I will treasure this beautiful gift always!!! Love you lots!


  1. Kim, you are so quick on your posts! How do you do that? LOL! The necklace looks amazing on you!! I am so happy ;o) Love you ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  2. Beautiful, wonderful necklace!! Fabulous. and lucky kitties with there tempting treats. Stacy is a true gem!!

  3. That is a gorgeous necklace! And those lucky kitties!

  4. That is really beautiful and unique!

  5. What a beautifull gift, it's really stunning. And I bet those kitties are happy as well!
