Wednesday, January 02, 2013

A little New Year's Eve Surprise!

Greetings, my dear friends! Hope everyone had a memorable New Year's! We traditionally spend New Year's Eve with my in-laws and then New Year's day with my folks. This year, since I was stuck working all day, hubby and I stayed home on NYE. As I may have mentioned to you all before, New Year's Eve has always been a little depressing for me (not that I was particularly unhappy to see this past year go or anything). So picture this little senario, if you will?:
My hubby walks downstairs in the cellar and brings up a still wrapped Yule present ...
Me:  (laughing, I say to him) "Ah, did you forget one?"
Hubby:  "No, I was saving it for you for tonight because I know New Year's always gets you a little down."
And so I opened his gift and to my surprise, it was a Mermaid Musical Snow Globe that rotates while playing, "Beyond the Sea." The engraving on it read, "For a love as timeless as the sea."
I told him how very beautiful it was and he replied, "Yeah, not bad for something I pulled out of my butt while paying for it at the cash register, eh?" I began laughing hysterically and said, "Yes, I'm certainly impressed!" LOL! Turns out that he hadn't realized that there was a place for engraving until he was ready to buy it and then had to do some quick thinking!

As I have so often said before, between our cats and my hubby, there's never a dull moment at our house!


  1. This is so beautiful Kim! Your hubby is loving and funny ;o) Big Hugs and Happy New Year ;o)( We both got special gifts on New Year's Eve!)

  2. Beautiful snow globe! Thoughtful hubby!

  3. That is a beautiful gift and thought. Your hubby needs to give mine some pointers on gift buying, lol. Many Blessings......

  4. What a sweetly loving thing to do!

  5. It's gorgeous! How sweet of your hubby to do that for you!

  6. it is lovely!!!
    true love..fabulous,isn't it!!!!
