Friday, January 25, 2013

"Four Feet Tall & Rising" ~ A book review

There aren't very many (quote) "Reality Shows" I bother to watch on TV. In fact, there are only two and they both happen to air on Animal Planet. One is "My Cat From Hell" and the other is "Pit Boss."

Now, I am definitely more of a cat than a dog lover and as far as the Pit Bull breed goes, I neither love nor hate them. I do; however, agree that they have gotten a pretty crummy rap in societies eyes and through the media's typical irresponsible reporting. Let's face it folks, almost ANY animal, as far as I am concerned, is capaable of doing  harm or killing. Whether it be for defensive reasons or by the ignorance of those humans who train them to be killers! Frankly, those people make me sick to my stomach!

That being said, I really do love this show. So much so that I purchased Shorty Rossi's book/memoir, "Four Feet Tall & Rising"  at Barnes & Noble on Wednesday and I just finished up reading it today. This book is so good that I just could not put it down once I began reading it!

Shorty covers the story of his amazing and inpsiring life from his disfunctional family life to running a cat rescue while in County jail and also working for a law firm while there, his interesting life in Folsom Prison thereafter, how he got into acting in several big name movies and stunt work in Hollywood, up to his current happenings of being a strong and outspoken advocate for Pit Bulls and running his talent agency for Little People called "Shortywood."

Whether you are into Pit Bulls or not, this book is a must read. Most especially if you enjoy the show, "Pit Boss." He gives his fans a lot of insight into both his business and private life ~ incredible story!


  1. Thanks for pointing this one out; it is on my 'must read' list!

  2. It is horrible how there are so many people who treat dogs so inhumanely (don't get me started on Michael Vick). How great that pitbulls have an advocate who can really get the word out.

  3. This book sounds excellent Kim and I have to admit, I don't think I would look at it, until you told us about it! Thank you and big hugs ;o)
