Friday, February 22, 2013

Birthday Wishes and, oh yea, I'm sick ...

Greetings my friends! Sorry it has been a few days since I have posted, but I have been sick all week with soar throat, coughing, sneezing, sinus drainage and a fever. I called up my doctor this morning and was told that I most likely have a sinus infection "like most other people do right now" and the nurse is going to speak to my family physician to see if he can simply call in a script for me. I told her that would be nice as it would save me a trip! Still waiting on the call.

My birthday is tomorrow and I received a few special birthday cards from family and friends, a birthday cake from my co-workers, and an awesome Jim Shore gray cat named "Leona" from my dear friend Judy ... 

Oh yeah, and just as aside: I also received my "little monthly friend" this morning as well. I wouldn't normally feel the need to share something such as that, but under the circumstances, it just seemed appropriate and too funny considering it's my birthday week and all. Like the old saying goes, "When it rains, it pours" eh? LOL!


  1. Wishing you a very happy birthday, sorry you are celebrating it while under the weather. Just love Jim Shore!!!
    Get well soon!
    Love leanne

  2. Happy Birthday, Kim!!! We all get some gifts that we aren't so happy with on "special occasions", but since you "can't return them", try not to let them spoil your day :)

    Love Jim Shore anything!!! Lucky girl to have such a wonderful friend!

    Birthday Hugs,

  3. My friend, I am sorry you have been ill! I was wondering where you were! You made me laugh about your little monthly friend! LOL! It's so true, when it rains, it pours! LOL! I love all your special treats you got! The Jim Shore cat is adorable!!! Happy Birthday my special friend! Big Warm Hugs! Get well soon ;o)

  4. My birthday is today! I have a migraine, so I feel your pain! Hope you have a great day tomorrow and feel better soon!

  5. Fingers crossed you feel better for your birthday! Happy, happy day to you tomorrow!

  6.'s flow is celebrating life!!!
    bless your heart!!
    i hope you feel better soon!!
    a very Happy Natal Anniversary to you!!!

  7. Kim!! happy happy birthday. Terrible that you are sick! Love that Jim Shore cat!! Hugs Hugs Hugs!!!

  8. So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I really hope your good health comes back very soon

    Happy Birthday and many more to come.

  9. Happy Birthday and I hope you are feeling better. I am enjoying the candles I won from you. lol I was reading in your "about me" section that you teach those interested in Wicca. I am very interested. not just for research for my books, but also I feel really drawn to it and the beauty of the earth centered concepts it holds. I read your blog. and all your past posts, often for inspiration. Can you point me in the right direction of where I can study more? I din't know if you had a blog devoted just to the basics. Thank you so much for your time.


    1. Rebecca ~ I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying the candles! I was hoping that you would have gotten them by now.

      Thank you so very much for your kind words of support regarding my blog. It means so much to me to know that I can be of help to you. I do not have a blog dedicated strictly to simply the basics other than this one. I usually teach one-on-one to local Wiccans, but if you like, we may be able to work something out either by internet or mail or something. If you have any questions or ideas of how you would like to go about studying, please e-mail me at my personal address

      Brightest Blessings to you, my sister ~

