Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Blast from my Past!

(taken at a H.S. football game ~ me and my long-time best friend & twirling partner Karin. We had competed as a duo and won many trophies and ribbons through the years)
Greetings to all! I don’t know about you guys, but I LOVE You Tube! Just yesterday morning I was surfing around in hopes of finding some very old footage from my High School Band days back in 1983. Much to my delight I actually found a couple of things. I had been a twirler (2 baton) since I was 10 years old and I was involved in drum and marching corps up until Senior High. I was a twirler in both my Junior and Senior High School days and it was in that year that we took a High School band trip to St. Petersburg, FL and won the 1983 National Championships! What a year that was!!!

Anyhow, I just thought that you all might get a kick out of the following clip which was taken from the last few minutes of one of our Field Show competitions. The song was “Firebird Suite” and I am the twirler up in front third in from the left on the left-hand side. You may want to only watch until we march off of the field as the rest of the video is just the awards ceremony ...


  1. Wow, how exciting to see that, Kim!!! You were such a cutie too!! Love the photos, also.

  2. Kim, you are a cutey!!! I love the video!! Thanks so much for sharing all of this ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
