Saturday, April 20, 2013

Making some progress ...

Good morning ALL! Not too much new going on lately here on my end. I hope everyone has been well? As you know, I have been desperately trying to shed a few pounds off of this old body of mine. I must admit that it has been a very slow and difficult process and I still have a long road ahead of me if I wish to reach my goal of 130 pounds. ;)

So, here are the before and after pics of my progress thus far.

My Priestess handfasting dress 25 pounds ago ...

and this dress now ...
(and the only other "old" dress I am able to fit into ... LOL)

Also, I am planning another Wiccan Life Give-Away in the up-coming month. I will keep you all posted as to the details!  Have a wonderful weekend ALL!!!

Brightest Blessings,


Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Much ado about change

Change. Just hearing that word usually makes me want to simply run and hide underneath something. As it has always seemed to be in my personal experience, change has never been easy. In fact, things more often than not turned out rather badly. But after very recently speaking to a close friend of mine of many years, I am beginning to think a bit differently about it now.

She, herself, has gone through quite a number of life changes throughout the years and she knows that taking risks is sometimes a necessary part of life. Let's face it, change is going to happen whether we like it or not and/or are ready for it!

Where I used to look at it as a "necessary evil" type thing before, I am beginning to recognize the fact that there may sometimes be great advantages to it. Accept change? Bring it on!

Saturday, April 06, 2013

I'm back from nowhere ...

My dear friends, I am finally back!!! My deepest apologies for being away from Blogland for so long. I had some things to take care of here at home and, amongst other issues, I had been hacked which meant that I needed to change all of my passwords on my accounts ~ both blogs, my Facebook, and my personal Yahoo mail. Somewhere along the line; however, I managed to get locked out of my Yahoo mail!!! I believe that  I finally have it straightened out ... I hope!

Anyhow, I hope everyone had a very blessed Ostara and, for all of my Christian friends out here, a Happy Easter!!!

So what have I been up to lately? Well, I have been trying very vigorously to lose most of my weight. Not just because I will feel better about myself, but because it helps my bad knee a great deal. In fact, I have lost 15 so far and my knee has improved greatly! No pain pills, no constant reiking myself, no huge cortizone injections ... no pain!!! I have a long, long way to go yet, but I am trying really hard!!

Well, that is about all for now everyone.  Have a fanstastic weekend ALL!!!