Saturday, April 06, 2013

I'm back from nowhere ...

My dear friends, I am finally back!!! My deepest apologies for being away from Blogland for so long. I had some things to take care of here at home and, amongst other issues, I had been hacked which meant that I needed to change all of my passwords on my accounts ~ both blogs, my Facebook, and my personal Yahoo mail. Somewhere along the line; however, I managed to get locked out of my Yahoo mail!!! I believe that  I finally have it straightened out ... I hope!

Anyhow, I hope everyone had a very blessed Ostara and, for all of my Christian friends out here, a Happy Easter!!!

So what have I been up to lately? Well, I have been trying very vigorously to lose most of my weight. Not just because I will feel better about myself, but because it helps my bad knee a great deal. In fact, I have lost 15 so far and my knee has improved greatly! No pain pills, no constant reiking myself, no huge cortizone injections ... no pain!!! I have a long, long way to go yet, but I am trying really hard!!

Well, that is about all for now everyone.  Have a fanstastic weekend ALL!!!


  1. I for one am so glad you are back!! I was thinking awhile ago I hadn't see a post from you for a long time. Sorry to hear of the computer woes. And kudos to you for the weight loss! Its hard to do, but oh so worth it!

  2. I was so worried ... nice to hear all is ok. What a drag...I just don't get hackers...juvenile people ... I wonder if they think about the negativity they cause and we both know they will get it back times three. Hey, what's your secret to lose weight ... my daughter and I have struggled with it for life .... she seems to be able to get some off by cutting out most carbs.

    Happiness always,

  3. Thanks, my friends!!!

    Artsings ~ All I have been doing is, for now in the beginning, drinking only water and eating lots of plain salads. I also have to excerise every single day ... 15 minutes on the Skier machine and a 100 crunshes (half sit-ups). ;)

  4. Wow ... that sounds great ... we only drink water ourselves, but I do brew my own caffeine free ice tea with lemon (no sugar). I went on a diet years ago and only ate three eggs a day and drank water and after six weeks I gained weight. What the heck???? So now I try to eat healthy, walk a bit and give the rest up to the Goddess ... still overweight, but more at peace with myself. I just know you will reach your weight goal ... I can see it.

    Love always,

  5. Big Hugs Kim ;o) I am so happy you are back and that everything is well ;o) I am sorry you were hacked and you've had to go through all this crap! People are idiots! Congrats about the weight loss! I am proud of you! It's hard work,, but you will do it! You are going about it the right way ;o)

  6. Nice to see you back!!! I love reading your blogs. So what are you doing for weight loss??? I'm just trying to exercise more to get more energy and stamina but a few pounds disappearing would be nice too!!! Hope your weekend has been good to ya. Much love and Blessed Be.
