Thursday, June 27, 2013

Finally ... the Give-Away!!!!

Many apologies, my dear friends, that it has taken me so long to post my give-away. But well ... here it is!! The first gift is a sabbat candle scented with essential oils of the fall season, perfect for our next Wiccan holiday of Lughnasadh/Lammas. It is handmade by my friend Willow Chestnut and it smells fabulous!
The second is a wonderful book about Green Witchcraft called, "Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft" written by Ann Moura ...

And lastly, "The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures" written by John & Caitlin Matthews which is filled with amazing mythological creatures and loaded with beautiful poetry ...

As always, all you need do to enter this give-away is:
1) MUST be a member of this blog!
2) Leave a comment on this post letting me know that you would like to be added to the drawing
3) If you are one of the winners, you MUST e-mail me at with your address for which I am able to send you your gift within three days after the winners are announced!  Your personal addresses WILL remain private!!
The drawing date will be Saturday, July 6th!!! Good luck everyone and Blessed Be!!!


  1. ...they all look like the perfect rainy day snuggle under the duvet winter treasures! ~ mine muse would loooooooooOove to be a part of this awesome playtime! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred heart!...(O:

  2. Oh, they're all lovely. That candle is awesome. What is that in the top? And I've been meaning to read "Green Witchcraft". Well, good luck to everyone and thank you for this great giveaway.

    1. Bixie ~ the top part of the candle jar has sunflower seeds in it! :)

  3. Gorgeous, generous give aways! I would love to have my name tossed into the mix! Blessings and I cannot wait until Lammas! :)

  4. I would love another magic related book, i love books!
    Thanks for this giveaway
    blessed be!

  5. I would love to be entered for the candle. Just because I already have the two books, lol. Hope this doesnt sound demanding. Thanks so much, I've missed you. I havent been blogging in forever. I lost the blog bug but I do love reading everyone elses blogs and I love yours. Many Blessings my friend....

    1. Mel ~ No problem my dear friend! If your name is picked, I will make sure to give you the candle since you already have the other two books! Blessed Be!!

    2. Thank you so much my friend. Good luck to everyone!!!

  6. Hi. Those look like great gifts. I'd definitely like to be included in the drawing.

  7. I would love to enter your giveaway. I love the book, Encyclopedia of Magical Creators. They are so much fun to draw and I want to learn more. Actually I would love to win anything you have. I am a follower.

  8. I would love to have a chance to win any one of these wonderful items, Kim...please add my name in the drawing~

    You know that I will always be a follower of yours :}


  9. Hey Kim ;o)))) Great to see you my friend ;o) Hope everything is well ;o) I love everything you are giving away! The top part of the candle has sunflower seeds in it?? Very cool! Please put my name in for everything ;o) I'm not picky! LOL! Just to let you know, I'm doing a little giveaway for mom's birthday on my blog, if you want to join in ;o) Big Hugs and much love, Stacy ;o) Miss you!!!

  10. I'd like to be added to the drawing! Gah, this is super exciting. I wasn't a follower until recently, but I checked the blog regularly
    Love and light, and prosperity to your wonderful blog. )0(
