Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A very special request!

I'm soo excited! I just received a call from a long-time dear friend of mine, Kiki (a.k.a. "Kiki-girl"). She asked me if I would do her a favor and officiate at her up-coming wedding next month. 

This will only be the second Christian ceremony which I will be officiating. Although I am of the Wiccan/Pagan faith, I am an interfaith minister as well. I have always loved learning about different religious beliefs and I respect a person's right to get legally married the way in which they wish to.

 Kiki loving on our kitty, and her namesake, "Kiki"

The ceremony itself will be a shortened version of the Handfasting ritual I normally use for Wiccan/Pagan weddings, using only the parts which may pertain to most religions in general such as the "Lord" as a deity.

My attire at least will be showing my more "conservative" side I suppose you could say?

Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to it and wish her all the best!


  1. Sounds like it is going to be a great day and you will be fantastic as an officiator!

  2. This is fantastic Kim! I am so happy for you and Kiki! How special! You look great!! Big Hugs ;o)
