Saturday, September 28, 2013

Anniversary Weekend

Greetings everyone! First and foremost, I want to thank ALL of  my very dear friends and followers who send their many condolences and caring hugs out to my hubby and I. I can not begin to tell you just how much that meant to us! You are all such a huge blessing!  

This weekend hubby and I were planning on celebrating our 12-year wedding anniversary. However, in light of our recent tragedy we have decided to postpone that for another couple of weeks or so. In the meantime, my hubby, in a good effort to cheer me up and change the overall somber mood in our household, decided to give me my anniversary gift a little early. It was a beautiful Willow Tree piece titled, "Together" ...

And so, I gave him his gift as well. A heart-shaped music box which plays the song, "Unchained Melody" and envgraved with this these words ...

I give to you my continuing love, friendship, honor and respect.   I shall be there for you always as full partners, each to the other. Should one falter, the other shall pick them up again. Should one despair, the other shall comfort them. Should one lose their way, the other shall see them home again. Happy Anniversary, Love always ~ Kim"

These words were supposed to be part of our Handfasting Renewal vows which we would like to hopefully have performed eventually. The vows ring so true, most especially at this time. Nothing is perfect, and our marriage is not any different than anyone else's in that respect. We have weathered many storms and somehow have continued to get through them and be there for one another. I suppose that is the real definition of commitment.


  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you two and your Handfasting vows are beautiful! May you be blessed with many, many more years together! )O(

  2. Hi Kim,
    first of all, I'm so sorry to read about your loss. Your Kitty was way too young.
    I will be thinking of you nand your husband.

    I can imagine you will be celebrating at another time.
    Your gifts are so beautiful.

    Lots of hugs

  3. I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary again ;o) Lots of love! ;o) xoxoox

  4. Oh how beautiful... Happy Anniversary and many more to come.
