Saturday, November 30, 2013

Giving Back

Every year at work, the Travelers employees set up a Christmas Angel Tree. For those of you who do not know what that is, it is a tree with red (child) and green (seniors) Salvation Army cards hung on it. Written on these cards are gift wishes from a child or senior citizen in need. I usually pick the seniors cards because: (A) everyone seems to always take the child cards, and (B) the seniors really do not ask for much other than what they actually need

This year; however, I picked two cards ~ a senior man and a senior woman. My cat Kiki played the role of Santa's Little Helper when it came to wrapping the presents ...

  For "William," a set of various brand new pots and pans ...

 and for "Sherry," a fresh new set of bath towels ~ two large, two small, two hand towels, and four wash rags ...

In addition to the Angel Tree, I also like to give bags of toys, stuffed animals, etc., to "Toys For Tots" every year. These are all items which were requested and I am more than happy to help. I may not be rich, but I do what I can.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Tradition

Greetings all! For those of you who celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving AND, for that matter, those of us like myself who spend almost every single holiday with family and therefore also celebrate the non-Wiccan/Pagan holidays since they do,  I hope everyone had a very relaxing and pleasant day!

What next? Well, for me it was my usual tradition of putting up the Yule decorations on Black Friday. That's right, I refuse to step one foot outside the house on that day unless absolutely necessary. I would much rather spend one of the few days that I have away from my work life in the house doing something that I enjoy. And as always, I get plenty of help from the kitties who took turns playing lying underneath the Yule Tree while I was attempting to decorate it ...

After some serious playtime, it was time to get down to some rather serious work ...

And there you have it folks, what a day! Here's wishing ALL a very wonderful and fun-filled weekend!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Wishes to All!

To All ~

From:  Kim, Brett, Midnight, Kiki, Haley & Tabitha

Monday, November 25, 2013

New Crafts, Old Jewelry

Well, it would seem that in the mist of cleaning up and organizing the entire house, I had little time to post on either one of my blogs. At any rate however, I came across quite a few little items in my jeweltry box that had either been broken or I just outgrew. So, me being rather the little "pack rat" that I am, I decided to put the old jewelry which I could not bare to part with to good use. I began making scented bottles again.

Mermaid themes ...

Seasonal & Cat themes ...

Samhain/Halloween (front)



Yule/Winter Solstice

Summer Love


and my favorite Winnie the Pooh character Eeyore. This bottle was triangle-shaped and so I will show you all three sides ...

And so that was my idea of perserving my jewelry and special trinkets and such. Some I may later give away as gifts and others I will definately keep around as keepsakes. They are so much fun to make and fairly cheap to decorate.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

What I've been up to ...

Hey there everyone! Guess you've been wondering where I've been? Well, if you are a follower of my other blog, "Witch Cats Blog," then you already know that I have been busting my behind for the past two weeks, with two extra vacation days from work, to thoroughly clean up our extremely messy attic! Let's face it, I have been giving it a "lick and a promise" for five whole years now, but everytime I would begin this very huge project, I would get so frusterated that I would just quit after a day or two. Not to mention that I can no longer tolerate the hot temperatures since peri-men, so I only attempted to dare go near the attic in either fall or winter months.

Now, anyone who knows me at all, knows that I am just like my mother ~ a clean fanatic!!! I must admit that I am the kinda gal who would much rather clean up the dirty dishes than cook the actual meal! That being said, after a couple of week nights after work and weekends, four whole days devoted to the only room in the house which looked like a cyclone had hit it, and a few injuries to my fingers and toes (yes, I said toes! LOL), this is how far I haven gotten currently ...

Before ...

and after ...

And as for hubby and kids, well, they were just more than happy to stay out of mom's way when she is in "work mode" ... ;)

Aside from cleaning up the attic, I also took advantage of the little time I have to take down the Samhain decorations, although, I still left some fall/autimn things out. Before we know it, it will soon be time to get ready for Yule. WOW, I really can't believe how this year has flown by so quickly. Either that, or it is true what they say about our perception of time as we all get older.