Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Tradition

Greetings all! For those of you who celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving AND, for that matter, those of us like myself who spend almost every single holiday with family and therefore also celebrate the non-Wiccan/Pagan holidays since they do,  I hope everyone had a very relaxing and pleasant day!

What next? Well, for me it was my usual tradition of putting up the Yule decorations on Black Friday. That's right, I refuse to step one foot outside the house on that day unless absolutely necessary. I would much rather spend one of the few days that I have away from my work life in the house doing something that I enjoy. And as always, I get plenty of help from the kitties who took turns playing lying underneath the Yule Tree while I was attempting to decorate it ...

After some serious playtime, it was time to get down to some rather serious work ...

And there you have it folks, what a day! Here's wishing ALL a very wonderful and fun-filled weekend!!


  1. Kim!!! I love the pictures of the cats under your Yule tree ;o) Everything looks so beautifully decorated ;o) So much fun! Great picture of you and your hubby ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thanks, my dear friend! I think the cats did a pretty good job, too!!!

      Big hugs,

