Monday, December 16, 2013

Getting there ...

A few months ago, I had written a post telling you all about my dramatic hair loss due to my drastic weight loss. In short, I lost too much weight too quickly which caused telogen effluvium. In other words, I put my system into a sort of "shock" mode. And to make matters worse, I made the mistake of failing to take supplements in order to replenish my body with the vitamins and nutrients I was lacking during that time due to some serious dieting

My Dermatologist prescribed 50 MG of spironolactone to help speed up my hair growth a bit. In addition, I also continued to take biotin, zinc, B-complex, and multi-vitamins for women and I have cut my hair much shorter so that it is not as heavy. I am beginning to see a difference over the past few months from when I first discovered the problem.

Before ...

Progress so far ...

As you can see, my horrid grey hair is definatey showing at this point. But, the good news is my doctor said that I may color my hair, especially if I am using the wash-out kind which I have always used. I have found that Garnier sells a product which washes out after about 24 washings. I must admit that I am still a little nervious about putting anything chemical on my scalp, but I will give it a try. If worse comes to worse, I guess there is always a wig!


  1. Replies
    1. I usually do not wear hats because they make me look like a little kid for some reason LOL! But I will definately consider that option! Thanks, Samantha!

      Merry Yule to you and yours,


  2. Forget about wigs! You look amazing! I am so happy for you Kim!!! You can for sure see the difference! Yepeee! Take it easy about the hair coloring! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. You are so sweet, Stacy, thank you my dear sister! I promise to be very careful with the hair coloring! LOL!

      Blessed Yule to you!


  3. You look so great!! I think you look nice with grey hair :) it means you have a lot of wisdom! blessed be <3

    1. Thanks, Karen! You are very kind, my friend!

      Blessings to you and a Merry Yule ~
