Sunday, December 08, 2013

The Beauty of the Season

Last night, my hubby, mom, my brother and I took a ride to a place called, "Christmas Village." This is a huge venue which is set up every year in Bernville, PA specifically for the holiday season. It draws quite a crowd from all over and if you have ever been there, you can immediately see why. It has beautifully put together displays in windows, thousands of gorgeous lights decorated in shapes and such around each and every village, they sell delicious food including home baked cookies made right there as you wait, and a couple of wonderful gift shoppes which sell dozens and dozens of collectibles and handmade crafts ...

 My brother Kerry & I having a little fun at one of the character displays

My hubby, my mom & Kerry

The down side ~ we only live a couple of miles away from it, but it took us an hour and a half to get there due to heavy traffic. The best time to go is during the week if you can, but we were unable to do so. We still had a great time and everyone was extremely pleasant to one another. In fact, a very nice gentleman walked up to us after observing me taking pictures and offered to take a pick of my mom and I (seen above) for us. He called it "pay it forward" and we did. My hubby was asked if he would take a group pic of some teenagers and he was happy to oblige. 

All in all, a really awesome family night out. I may no longer be Christian in faith, but I very much appreciate the beauty of the season in any case.,


  1. Oh, what a wonderful place to be. I'm glad that you all had a good time. Pay it forward is a good thing...

    1. Linda, you would just love this place! It has been around since atleast the early 80's and has gotten so beautiful over the years as they keep adding new attractions every year. You can not help but to get into the spirit of the season and it is so wonderful in this day and age especially!

      Brightest Blessings,

  2. Kim, WOW!!! I wish I could have been there with you! I would have loved it! I still believe in Santa Claus and I love all the lights and decorations ;o) There is something truly magical about it all ;o) Love the family photos! You and your brother made me laugh and the one of you and your mom is so precious! Thanks for sharing this all! Big Hugs ;o) xoxooxox

  3. Kim, you really look good. Is your hair coming back?

    1. Thanks, Stacy! Yes, it seems to be growing back slowly, but surely. I was told by my doctor that I could color my hair with the wash out stuff, but I am still so afraid to try that as of yet. I guess I am just paranoid. LOL!!!

  4. I don't blame you for being paranoid! LOL! I'm really happy for you ;o)
