Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Wiccan Life Spring Give-Away!

Greetings, my friends! Since I can't wait for Spring and because it's been quite a little while since I had one of these, I decided to have a Spring Give-Away for one of my Ostara wreaths ...

If you are interested in winning this wreath, all you need to do to qualify is:

1) Leave a message in the comment section of this post letting me  know that you would like to added to the drawing
2) Along with your comment, please briefly tell everyone "why" you like Spring

 It's that easy! The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 8th so that the winner may receive the wreath in time for Ostara. You will have three days after the drawing to claim your gift by e-mailing me an address in which to send it to at

As always, I will attempt to leave you a message letting you know you have won, but should you not claim your gift for any reason, I will pick another winner.  

Good luck to all!!  

Brightest Blessings,



  1. Please enter me in the giveaway - what a beautiful wreath! I love Spring because you can feel warm breezes instead of arctic winds and see the trees in bloom. Can't wait!

    1. What a lovely way to put it! You got it seester! LOL! ;)

  2. I would love that beautiful wreath - you are truly talented : ) I love spring ( also for the warm breezes ) because it is really the beginning of the year and I absolutely love the spring flowers - they are my favorites
    Bonnie Schoening

  3. Please enter me Kim! This is really sweet of you ;o) The wreaths are beautiful!
    Why do I like Spring? Because everything comes awake and the birds start to chirp in the mornings ;o)
    Hugs ;o)

  4. April, I received your message that you are having issues with your e-mail, so I have added you to the drawing as requested. :)


