Saturday, May 03, 2014

Brings back very fond memories ...

Had such a GREAT time this afternoon, I just had to share. As I had said in my earlier post, I took my god-daughter, Kyli, rollerskating today. I still had my mom's old rollerskating boots in the closet which I had used for many, many years as a teenager. You know, the ones with actual wooden rollers? It felt great to be able to put them on again after ten or so years and they brought back soo many wonderful memories. Not only because of my mom's skates, but because I used to hear the song, "Brand New Key" at the skating rink as a child, and, later I used to sing it live acoustically with the band, "Second Effort."

THANKS, MOM!!!   <3



  1. Oh wow, how special! I can't believe you still have those skates! This is a priceless post! I love the pictures! Big Hugs ;o)
