Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day (and just an FYI ...)!!

Blessings everyone! I just wanted to give you all a little heads-up ... I had a REALLY hard time publishing my last post before this one called, "Rabbits in Mythology: The Story of the Moon Rabbit" for some reason? I can not even find it on my other blog's news feed. Please let me know if you can see it anywhere.  It would be very much appreciated as this has never happened before on either one of my Blogspot blogs! (hopefully THIS one makes it on) ... :)

Pic taken outside of "Seafood Shanty" on Mother's Day 2013. L-R: My father-in-law (Pop), my Mother-in-law and "other mom" Dawn, my mom Rita, my dad Bill, and my hubby Brett.

Wishing ALL a very wonderful and relaxation-filled Mother's Day weekend!


  1. I'm hoping you have a wonderful Mothers Day. On occation I have some problems with my blog, you are not alone. Please check out my Blog..Aame blog but new look.
    Blessings for you

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! Will check out your blog later today after we get back from visiting hubby and my parents for Mother's Day! Blessings, Kim

  2. Great post Kim ;o) I love the pictures ;o) I hope it was a very blessed Mother's Day for your family ;o) I am sorry, I didn't see the post ;o(
    Big Hugs xooxox

    1. Thanks guys, I will try to re-post as soon as I am able to get time! ;)
