Friday, May 23, 2014

Yes, Mother Nature "can" be a ...

I swear to you, my dear friends, that sometimes the universe only exsits so that it may teach us all that 'it's always something' in regards to "life" itself ... (*sigh*).  Quite frankly,  yesterday after our horribly damaging golf-sized hail storm in our area of Reading, PA, I feel like telling the universe to umm, "go blow" so to speak ...

For those of you who have not heard or seen it in the news, (or on any other friends posts for that matter), yesterday in an extremely unusal display of power here in PA, Nature decided to remind us all exactly who is boss (and BTW no offense intended here but, this kind of thing is exactly why I do not buy into the "global warming" crapolla ... as if WE as mere, yet arrogant humans, have THAT or any other kind of power over the Mother Nature Herself)!

 (These pics were taken by my co-worker in our parking lot both during and after the storm)

At approximately 3:15PM, whilst myself and my fellow co-workers could do very little but to sit by and watch it all happen, a golf-sized hail storm with its' horribe winds to accompany it left its' wrath after lasting only a few minutes. Most, like myself, had vehicles that were so damaged and/or totalled that they were not able to drive their car at all. Many, also including myself, had windshields that were either cracked so badly that all it would have taken was a tiny little speed bump to shatter it, or their windshields were completely blown out, rear-view mirrors broken, windshield wipers missing, etc., etc. Not to mention our cars being inundated with nasty "golf-sized" dents all over from front to back. 

They say "a picture is worth a thousand words"  ~  here is a vid my best friend and soul sister who was working in a building in Wyomissing only a few blocks away from me at the time posted on her Facebook page. "The Crowne Plaza" is a hotel just two blocks away from where I was working ...

These were some pics my hubby took after I very nervously tried to drive home in yet another hail storm before it was finally through with us ...

 Our front yard during ...

and after ...

The only "saving grace" I suppose you could say is that there doesn't seem to be any damage to our house! And, luckily, neither my parents nor my hubby's folks seemed to have had any issues. 


  1. WHAT !!! I actually did not hear of this happening , this is horrible !!!!!
    oh my gosh! i seriously would be so upset , i don't even bother looking at the weather channel anymore its all bull crap at this point ... i'm very sad this happened to you .....

    almost a month ago my apartment got completely flooded im surprised my cat was not swimming poor thing was up on my library , now today it was completely HOT & SUNNY ... to a split thunderstorm ... mother nature is on some serious stuff at the moment !

    hope all works out for you ...


  2. OMGS. Sending good thoughts. We got the hail down a bit farther south, also, but not as severe in my area. In northern parts of DE, there were a lot of people with dents and broken windows. That storm system also brought 2 tornadoes here, with some minor injuries and quite a bit of property damage. It was, in fact, a wicked storm to start off the season.

    Living near the ocean, we frequently deal with broken windows and wind damage. I know how awful it is and how its nearly never covered beyond the deductible of insurance. I'm glad your home wasn't damaged, but your poor car looks beat up.

    Sending good thoughts your way, and hopes for no more hail, this season!

  3. Even though nature has it's beauty it also has it's wrath...We need to respect her, and i know you do.
    Please come and see my rainbows if you haven't seen them yet.

  4. Kim, I am so sorry!!! What a bad storm!!! So much damage! I am so glad you and your loved ones weren't hurt! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thank you everyone! I already called in my insurance claim and am STILL waiting for an adjuster to get back to me about what is going on with my car. Thank Goddess our house was okay as well!!!!!

      Many Blessings all,

