Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A funny little story ...

Last week while my hubby and I were driving in the horrible traffic in Scranton on our way to see the Journey/Steve Miller Band concert, we ended up bumper to bumper with a truck load of teenagers stopped right aside of us.  I saw them pointing and  laughing really hard at my hail-damaged car and I said to my husband, "My poor little car! Those kids have some nerve laughing at it!"

Then the next morning, I realized exactly "why" they were so amuzed after I walked out into the driveway to use my car and saw the big white decal sticker still displayed on the back of my windshield ...

You see, we bought my car from a used car dealership named, "John's Great Cars." I loved the car so much that my husband scratched off everything, BUT the words, "GREAT CAR!" Only then, I couldn't help myself but to laugh as well!   :-D

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious!!!! I can't stop laughing! LOL! Great story Kim ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
