Sunday, June 29, 2014

Same-Sex Marriage Laws in PA

Living in Pennsylvania my entire life, I can honestly say that their State laws have always been rigid and, to say the very least, reserved! Such had been the case in regards to same-sex/gay marriage. As a ULC ordained Pagan Clergy, it is my responsibility to keep up with ALL State marriage laws throughout the United States to ensure legality.

For many years, there had been a ban on same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania. However, on May 20, 2014, all that changed thanks to a U.S. federal district judge who ruled the ban on recognizing same-sex marriage unconstitutional. And, indeed, it was.

To me, this had not been so much of a "liberal" issue as it was a "human" one. Let us not forget that before the Universal Life Church came into existence, any couple who belonged to an "unrecognized faith" could not get legally married in most, if not all, states. Hence, of course, further proving my point that "church" and "state" should be kept two separate entities. As far as I am concerned, to each their own. My motto is, and always has been to "live and let live!" 

Much like Judge Judy, I am of the opinion that as long as you are a good citizen, pay your taxes, and you work, you should have all the rights and responsibilities as everyone else. No one has the right to dictate to someone else exactly "how" they should live in regards to their personal lives and what they should believe in (and what they should not). 

I actually own three of Judge Judy Sheindlin's awesome books ~ "Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining," "Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever," and "You're Smarter Than You Look."  I love these books! Unlike her on-screen persona which may seem quite "too no-nonsense and to the point" for some, her books are excellent. They combine her life and career experiences throughout her many years as a presiding family court judge with a bit of real-life humor.

Whether or not one likes her, she is a strong supporter of same-sex marriage and has performed them throughout her career as a judge, stating that, "One of the loveliest weddings I performed was with a gay couple. This is a couple who had been together for almost two decades. They love and adore each other and I don't think they could have loved and adored each other any more than if they were a heterosexual couple then (if) they are a gay couple."

The bottom line, and regardless of religion and/or state, we are all children of the Goddess and God ~ of the divine universe which created us all. As a member of the Pagan Clergy, I, personally, welcome this new change!


  1. I couldn't agree more!

    Love you - Willow

  2. "Live and let live" should be the motto for all people. We are all different in our beliefs, religions, marriage and more. But...we are all still human-beings...the same species. Another saying we could all live by is "harm none"...the world would be a much better place to live in if we tried harder~

    Hugs and Great Post, Kim

  3. So very true. I am delighted to see most states following suit with the change in same-sex marriage laws. We love who we love. :)

  4. You know I totally agree!

  5. I totally agree!

  6. Excellent Post Kim! I love the video ;o) I agree with everything ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
