Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Unbelievable Night!!!

What can I say? I am totally speechless (well, not literally speaking) LOL!!!! Last night, hubby and I attended the "Journey/Steve Miller Band" concert at Toyota Pavillian in Scranton, PA. WOW!!! What a spectacular show! Both The Steve Miller Band AND Journey sounded so awesome!!! Hubby, who doesn't normally listen to my type of music, told me that he thoroughly enjoyed himself!!!  :)

The Steve Miller Band opened for them. We got some GREAT SHOTS from where we were seated ...

 "The Joker"

"Jet Airliner"

The concert was supposed to start at 6:45PM, but the traffic was sooo horribly bad that one of the tour buses with police escort drove past us while we were waiting in traffic! We arrived there about an hour later and caught the beginning of The Steve Miller Band (another opening act named "Tower of Power" was scheduled to perform before they did), who was so great that they had everyone dancing in their seats!

Then, Journey made their appearance. With their absolutely incredible lead singer, Arnel Pineda, they exuberated so much awesome energy! They played both their new music with Arnel and their classic 70's & 80's hits. It was so much fun and the crowd was so into it that there was no way that anyone could possibly have been in any other mood other than good while watching them perform on stage!

Fabulous front man, Arnel Pineda! Everyone LOVED him!

The very talened Jonathan Cain's extremely beautiful & elegant piano intro to the song, "Open Arms" was simply breath-taking!

Lead guitarist, Neal Schon played flawlessly!

Arnel enlists a little help through audience participation ... what a terrific showman!

 The encore ~ "Loving, Touching, Squeezing"
What more can I say? It was just an unforgettable night!!

(All photos/Photo credit: Brett Witycyak/Cyddhartha)


  1. I'm so glad you had a good night my friend! Thank you for your kind comment the other day, it meant so much to the Great Scot and I!

  2. Wow Kim! Looks incredible! I would have been dancing with you ;o) So happy you and hubby had a great time ;o) I love the photos! Big Hugs ;o)
