Saturday, July 12, 2014

Last Night's Super Full Moon

Last night, hubby took a few pics of the Super Full Moon. This is when the Moon is closer to the Earth than at any other time ~ making her appear much larger in the sky. Scientifically speaking, the Super Full Moon is called a Lunar perigee. 
This was the first of three Super Full Moons this year ~ the other two will take place on Aug. 10th and Sept. 9th. As always, She sure was beautiful! Here are a couple more of hubby's pics ... BTW, can you see "The Rabbit on the Moon"?  ;)


  1. I saw the super moon also. I was not lucky enough to photograph it. Youu did an awesome job.

    1. Thanks, Linda! Actually, my hubby took these because he is much better at taking pics like this than I! LOL!!
