Saturday, August 02, 2014

Sam's visit to the Doc ...

For the past couple of days or so, our Netherland Dwarf bunny Samuel ("Sam") has been sneezing and weezing with a runny nose. So on Tuesday, I left work early in order to take him to our trusty vet, Dr. Ostrich at Eagle's Peak Animal Clinic.

Turns out that he has a respiratory infection and needed meds and so Dr. Ostrich gave us a prescription for an antibiotic called sulfatrim in a liquid form. We must give it to him in a syringe twice a day. Before that, all I could do for him is give him little reiki sessions which did seem to help him a bit, but I knew that it was not going to solve the problem.

I had a feeling that was what the issue may have been as many years ago, our Mini Lop bunny Barney, had one as well. But instead of a liquid medication, we were given rather large pills which were very hard to administer. So, how exactly does one give a rabbit pills? Well, since the pills would not dilute in water and we were afraid to give it to him the way in which you can give a cat or dog meds using a pill popper, we broke it up in tiny pieces and mixed it in with a very small bowl of rabbit pellets so that he would in gest it all in one sitting. It worked!

"Sir Barney Charles"

To be honest, it was actually a relief to find out that what he had was treatable. Rabbits are not known for having the strongest of constitutions and even though you may keep your bunny indoors as we always have sometimes all it takes is a draft to get them sick.

We have been giving him his medication all week so far and his breathing does not seem to be quite as bad as it had been. Hopefully, he is now on his way to recovering!


  1. April Andrews said ... Hope bunny Sam is on the mend quickly!

    1. Thanks so much, sweetie! My poor little guy, I feel so sorry for him! :o(

      Big hugs, Kim

  2. I hope Sam is feeling better ;o) He is so cute! I love him! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thanks, Stacy! He seems to be getting better. He is still weezing a little bit, but not nearly as badly as he was last week!

      Blessings, Kim
