Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Beautiful Day!

Greetings all! First of all, I want to say a great BIG "Thank you" to everyone for wishing hubby and I so many anniversary blessings!! All's well that ends well as we turned out to have an absolutely wondferful weekend in which to celebrate ~  for both Mabon and our wedding anniversary!

We attended the annual "Celtic Classic" in Bethlehem, PA on Sunday. The weather was gorgeous! We took a stroll along the main strip to see the local shops and happenings ...

Hubby took pics of the Highland Games there ...

Hubby surprised me with an elegant Swarovski Pendant which I had worn with my new black dress later on that evening ...

Even the cats gave me something (per hubby, that is!) ... LOL!

Hand Sanitizer specifically for after litterbox cleaning duty!

We rounded out the day by having a nice steak and shrimp dinner at "Outback Steakhouse." They were so thoughtful that they treated us with a complementary ice cream sundae served with two spoons in which to share for our wedding anniversary ... :-)

I would also like to share with you all some of Page's pics from Saturday's Mabon celebration ...

A very special week indeed! Definitely a weekend to remember!!!

 Blessed be!


  1. Oh my, what a wonderful celebration you had and glad the weather was good. Enjoy!

  2. A very special week! Loved all the pictures Kim ;o) Your pendant from your hubby is beautiful! So nice for the cats to think of you too! LOL! Funny apple pic! LOL!
    Big Hugs xoxoxoox
