Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Night Out ...

(L-R) Jake Anderson, Edgar Hansen, me, my hubby Brett, & Sig Hansen

Hubby and I had a GREAT TIME last night at the show, "Sig Hansen & Friends" at the Sands in Bethlehem, PA. It featured Sig and his brother Edgar Hansen and Jake Anderson of the ever-popular crab fishing boat from the television series "Deadliest Catch," The Northwestern. The guys were extremely interesting and entertaining as they shared their personal (and at many times funny) stories with all of us eager fans in the audience. At the end of the show, they answered various questions put to them by the crowd.

 Our really cool free autographed photos signed by the guys just before our pic was taken with them

We had special "Golden Circle" tickets which allowed us to "meet and greet" the guys afterwards. It also meant that we were able to get a professional pic taken in which we had to e-mail the photographer in order for him to send us ours. Since there were a lot of other fans in attendance with golden circle tickets as well, we, unfortunately got rushed through the line a bit (which is somewhat understandable) and so we did not have very much of a chance to actually speak to them for any substantial amount of time. Sig shook hubby's hand while he told him he loved the show. I, on the other hand, spoke directly to Edgar and simply said to him, "Edgar, YOU'RE AWESOME! You're my favorite!" To which he smiled at me and with very sincere gratitude replied, "Thank you, thank you very much!" We then got our pic taken with them and I thanked them all.

Best anniversary present to each other ever! We had such an unforgettable night! Loved it!!!


  1. What a wonderful gift that you and your hubby gave each other, Kim!
    And what a beautiful photo with such happy smiles all around :))

    Big Hugs My Sweet Friend

  2. Willow said ... Ok. Officially jealous. So... Is Edgar as cute in person or what?

  3. Rhiannon said ... OMG!!!!! Wow you are so lucky!!!! COOL

  4. Fantastic Kim! So much fun! Lucky!!! Happy Anniversary ;o)
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
