Sunday, September 21, 2014

Busy week ahead ...

Each year, I try to take a week off from work the same time as my wedding anniversary which always lands on the second to last week of September. It is also the same week as the Mabon/The Autumn Equinox.

 I usually like to use this time to get the things done around the house which I am not able to any other time of the year such as my annual fall cleaning and organizing. If you remember,  for last year's project I completely cleaned up the very huge mess up in our attic ...

Before ... and after

This year, I plan to work on finishing up the cellar starting with hubby's Game Room and then the Laundry Room. I have already finished re-arranging the Cat's Room (the spare bedroom) yesterday ...

Also, next Saturday will be our (although a tad belated) Mabon ritual celebration with friends and family ...

I can't tell you all just how much I am looking forward to this wonderful opportunity to spend some much needed (and far overdo) quality time with everyone!

 Then finally, hubby and I are planning to attend the annual "Celtic Classic" event held in Bethlehem, PA. We both so enjoy this awesome festival with all of its' many activies and authentic cuisine and games. And, if time permits it, we may also decide to take a day trip to South Street in Philadelphia, PA just to get away for a little shopping ...

The Ben Franklin Bridge at nighttime

 A view of the cool 1950's style restaurant "Johnny Rockets" on South Street

Brightest Blessings!



  1. What wonderful and busy plans you have, dear Kim! And oh, how I wish that I had your attic! I adore attics and if I had one it would be filled with many treasures :))

    Happy Belated Anniversary to a beautiful and magical couple!!!

    Be Well and Lots of Hugs

  2. Kim! Wow, you are going to be busy woman!
    Have lots of fun!
    I would love to go to the Celtic festival with you! Take lots of pictures!
    Happy Wedding Anniversary ;o)
    Many Blessings and Happy Mabon ;o)
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
