Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Countdown to Mabon: Festive Wine Bottles

Greetings everyone! Hope all is well. I am beginning to get things ready and organized for our group's Mabon/Autumn Equinox celebration this month. And I have recently found the perfect bottles for our ceremonial wine at our local craft store. Actually, I had found other festive colors too for each and every sabbat ...

Beltane amd Yule/Winter Solstice



Ostara/Spring Equinox

Mabon/Autumn Equinox & Imbolg


I am especially looking forward to this year's Mabon ritual as it will be the first in a long, long while in which our entire group will be able to get together on this particular sabbat. Usually, I celebrate as a solitary since Mabon always falls on the very same week as hubby and I's wedding anniversary. And so, not only will we all be gathering in an autumn celebration, but we will also enjoy catching up as well!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the bottles! Beautiful! Your table looks gorgeous!
    This is going to be a very special year for you!
    Hope all is well ;o)
    Big Hugs ;o)
    Trying to catch up from being bit! Doing a lot better ;o)
