Thursday, September 04, 2014

This and That

Happy Friday everyone. A couple of things have been happening over the last couple of weeks. First off, my dad was back in the hospital for a couple of days and then sent back to rehab for his leg issues caused by his heart condition. He is; however, doing well so far.

Sadly, we lost our Netherland Dwarf bunny of seven years, Samuel, the day after Labor Day. We gave him his last dose of medication on Monday and when I got home from work on Tuesday, he was gone. We immediately took him to our vet for a private cremation and will pick up his ashes just as soon as they come back. It would appear that we will now also be adding him to our memorial service as well at our Samhain ritual in October. The only thing I am thankful for is that he is no longer suffering. R.I.P.,  sweet Sam, we love and miss you!! :(

And, on a somewhat happier note, the annual Hay Creek Festival at the Historical Johanna Furance is being held this coming weekend. Hubby and I are hoping to be able to attend. We always enjoy this fall event with their Autumn Flea Market also scheduled in October of each year.


  1. My wishes for better health go out to your dad, dear Kim...he looks so sweet.

    I am sorry for you loss. Samuel not having to suffer anymore is a good thought to help you through this.

    Have lots of fun at the Autumn Flea Market!!! How joyous!!!

    Blessings & Love

    1. Thank you so very much Jan! My dad really is a sweetheart! We love him!!! ;)

      Hope you are doing better!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you always.

      Many Blessings to you, my dear friend!


  2. My prayers go out to your father, Kim!
    I am very sorry for Samuel! Poor little guy! But, I am happy he isn't suffering anymore!
    Much love xoxoxo
