Saturday, October 25, 2014

A "Surprise" Visitor!

Last night while I was sitting at home in the living room watching a movie on TV, the front doorbell rang. I opened up the door and standing there all dressed in an adorable little "kitty" costume was my god-daughter Kyli-girl! 

The "Harley-Davidson" Showroom located across our street was hosting a really cool event for the kiddlies called "Family Movie Night" ~ complete with free food and drinks, smores snacks, a Halloween costume contest, and a great movie showing on their big-screen which featured the movie, "Beetlejuice."

And of course, I just couldn't resist taking this snapshot of her ... 

It's kinda interesting, but I hadn't noticed while I was taking this pic that our cat, Kiki, was hanging out in the background just sitting at our bedroom doorway ... can you see those glowing little kitty-cat eyes? LOL!


  1. How sweet and adorable your god-daughter, Kyli-girl looks and yes...I do see kitty green eyes glowing in the background :)

    The bottom photo is so precious, too~

    Hugs Dear Kim

  2. Your god-daughter is too cute ;o) I love her costume ;o) I do see Kiki's eyes in the background ;o) That is so cool ;o)
    I love the two kitties hugging pic ;o)
