Wednesday, October 22, 2014

TWL's "Throwback Thursday"

Yup, if you guess that was my sister and twin soul, Judy (aka Rhiannon) and I in the above pic, you would be right! LOL! We also used to sing live together as well many years back. Here are a few pics for you from those days of yester-year (and then some)  ...

Judy singing (beautifully) harmony for me while I sang, "The Tide is High" live (top pic); and below, I have always loved this one of us. I always thought she resembled "The Bangles" lead singer Suzanna Hoffs in this one ("Walk Like an Egyptian" video come to mind to anyone?)

A 'lil Yule pic of Rhiannon

... and of me doing my "Genie" imitation for a Halloween party pic ~  LOL!



  1. I can now hear the I Dream of Jeannie theme playing in my head, lol. What a lovely smile you have!

  2. Ahh...those are great shots..such fun to look through them! You gals are both lovely! Thanks for sharing! these! :o)

  3. Dearest, Kim...I have truly enjoyed my trip back to yesteryear with you! How beautiful you were and still are...and what fun!!!

    Hugs and Love

  4. Great photos Kim ;o) Really enjoyed them! That Genie outfit, is sexy ;o) Big Hugs xoxox
