Thursday, November 27, 2014

A day to be thankful because ...

While today officially marked the Thanksgiving holiday, for our family, it holds so much more meaning than just gathering together for a family dinner. With my father's constant and very serious day to day health concerns these days since he has grown so much older, we feel extremely thankful for the blessing that he is still in our lives ... not just today, but every single day!

While my mother, brother, hubby and I had a very nice home-cooked family-style meal at a local restaurant called, "The Heidelberg," my father, who was planning on joining us, told us all that he was not feeling well enough to travel today. And so, we brought the dinner back home to him ~ complete with all the fixings ... ham & turkey slices, potatoe filling, corn, peas, gravy, and buns, etc.  

You see, for me it has never been about the dinner itself that meant all that much, but being surrounded by family. For without them, the holiday is merely just a word ... the name of another holiday amongst many others which we celebrate. 

And so, my dear friends, this is one of the many things which I am thankful for .. today and every day!


  1. Buddy Moyer said ... This man taught me so much about mechanics, common sense, and life. Got a great Pop Kim

  2. You are right Kim, it is all about the family! Love the pictures ;o) Hugs ;o)
