Sunday, November 02, 2014

The best laid plans ...

Everything was set and our altar prepared for our yearly Samhain ritual complete with beautiful little pumpkins as grown by my sister Robin (Aurora Skye) which added an extra special touch, lovely photographs of our honored loved ones, etc. 

The only problem was that with all of the turmoil which has been currently involving the serious family issues in both of our lives, personally speaking, it was simply too much for me to handle emotionally this year. And so instead, lit candles surrounding loved ones pictures and fond, loving memories took the place of our annual Samhain ritual celebration which we share. 

Posing for a pic with my beautiful sister Robin

Still in all, we decided to spend some much needed sister time together and spent the day having a very nice lunch and then some "get your mind off your troubles for a little while" shopping. I picked up a few more Yule and Christmas gifts here and there and then we rounded out our day just hanging out a bit at my place ...

I hope that everyone had as wonderful and as special a Samhain as we had ... however way you chose to spend it!  Blessings to all!


  1. You and your sister resemble each other very much, dear Kim...two lovely women.
    It was nice that you two spent the day together...what a great way to celebrate Samhain.
    Your altar is very beautiful.

    Big Hugs

  2. Very special Kim! I think it's great you two had a nice day out ;o) You both needed it ;o)
    Big Hugs ;o) xoxoxo
    Your altar is beautiful ;o)
