Friday, December 12, 2014

Brrr, baby it's cold outside!

After two weeks of nothing but bone-chillingly cold rain, it appears we have gotten our first "official" snowfall of the season yesterday afternoon. It wasn't much, only a tad more than a dusting, but I, for one, can most definitely live with that. Especially since for the past two years we have had a few inches already on the ground just in time for, believe it or not, Halloween! 

It's not that I don't enjoy the winter solstice ... I actaully do. I love to watch the pretty snowflakes fall all over everything (including my face!) and I don't even mind shoveling it (as, trust me, I really do need the exercise) and, I particularly look forward to gathering with family and friends for our Yule celebration. Honestly, I just do not like having to drive in it unless it is necessary.

On the other hand, I will look for any good excuse to snuggle up with our kitties when it gets really cold out. In fact, our little Kiki just loves to bury herself underneath the bed covers right after I have just made them up ...

 My baby boy Mr. Midnight keeping warm on the sofa

 And let's not forget all the really "cool" things to do and see at this time of the year. One of those activities for us has always been to visit a place called, "Christmas Village" only a couple of miles away from where we live. I had taken the above post cover pic at last years beautiful display ~ as well as these ...

But, for now, I will leave you all with one of my favorite songs of the holiday as sung by Lady Gaga and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post ;o) I love your fur babies ;o) I agree Kim, I love this time of year, it's just the driving! Big Hugs ;o)
