Saturday, January 03, 2015

And so it begins ...

Happy Saturday everyone! So much happening here and I just wanted to touch base with you all. First off, I would like to give a shout out to my god-daughter, Kylianna whose birthday was yesterday ... I am so very proud of this young lady!

Happy Birthday, my Kyli-girl!!

Also, I have been very busy as of late with my family in regards to my dad who, after being discharged from the hospital a month ago and had been rehabing, is now back in the same hospital once again with multiple medical issues going on. And so, my dear friends, I feel the Lord and Lady are telling me that now is the time to finally take my hiatus from my blogs ~ atleast for a little while in order to concentrate all my energies on my father and to be there for my entire family as we are forced to make some very difficult and extremely crucial decisions.

Just this afternoon, my dad told us (and I quote), "When life knocks you down, you fight to get back up again!"

Please continue to keep my dad in your thoughts and, again, "THANK YOU ALL" for your many positive thoughts and prayers for him the last few weeks! You are truly a blessing!

Hopefully, I will be back in a few weeks or so. I wish you all the best in this new year 2015!

Brightest Blessings! 


  1. All the best to you, your dad and your family! Hopefully you'll be back before you know it. :)

  2. Kim, I will continue to send healing prayers to your father and for your entire family! Know that I love you and I am always here for you sister ;o) Wear your elephant pendant for strength ;o) Glad I got it for you ;o) Happy birthday to your god-daughter ;o) Hugs ;o)

  3. Oh kim, I want to let you know that my thoughts are with you and your family. If you need to talk I am right here for you. My thoughts are pure. Take care of yourself as well as Dad. Whisper good things to him. He wiill hear you.

  4. Kim, of course you know we all love you and send love and light and support to you and your Dad and Mom. Be strong, but also take time to center yourself. Hugs and love, sister. Robin.
