Saturday, January 24, 2015

Imbolc: The Bride Altar

Every year while preparing my altar for Imbolc, I set aside a small side altar for which to adorn various framed wedding photos of family and friends. Since the Goddess is in her maiden aspect as Brigit, and historically speaking, the word "bride" was actually taken from her name therefore giving this sabbat that connection, I thought it only fitting to surround my home with these very special memories in her honor.

My mom and dad

Hubby & I on our wedding day
Lady Sabrina Rhiannon

I also place a small white votive cande on the table with a nice Imbolc poem as an added touch.


  1. Oooo, I like this idea, can I ste....erm........ borrow it? =D

  2. Sure can, my dear friend! Brightest Blessings and thank you!

  3. So beautiful my friend ;o) So meaningful ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
