Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Birthday wishes and a late holiday ...

Greetings and happy Wednesday everyone! Well, my sister Robin and I had finally gotten the chance to get together to exchange our Yule (yes, I said Yule) presents to one another. On Monday evening (my birthday) we all met for dinner and drinks at one of our favorite old haunts, "Flanagan's Pub." 

 Robin's hubby, Jim and my hubby, Brett

Robin opening up her gifts from me ~ a personal photo album and scrapbook and a vintage "Tiger Beat" magazine still wrapped in the plastic cover it came in and, of course, featuring her first love, Donny Osmond!

 And, my birthday and Yule gifts from Robin ~ a really cool Astrological Calendar and a Yankee Candle of my favorite scent, "Moonlight."

I also received a beautiful birthday present from Miss Judy. A lovely ocean blue and white candle with assorted seashells in it. This is perfect for my bathroom  ...

Thank you all for your "Happy Birthday" wishes as well. You guys are the best blogger friends a gal could have!


  1. Beautiful gifts! Enjoy the calendar and the candles and happy belated birthday! :)

  2. So glad you were able to get together and exchange gifts - and Tiger Beat with Donny Osmond! Ah the memories, and the......

    Puppy Looooo00oove

  3. I love all the special gifts ;o) What a great celebration ;o) Happy belated birthday ;o)
