Monday, February 02, 2015

Phil, say it isn't so!

Well, it's official. This morning, Punxsutawney Phil announced his Groundhog Day prediction for 2015 ... six more weeks of winter it must be! No surprise however, since it has felt as if it has been six more weeks already. And, Phil did not seem as if he were very thrilled about the verdict either. The groundhog who is loved by so very many and is usually such a good sport about the whole thing, seemed a tad grumpy this morning. Perhaps it was because the ceremony had to be postponed for a half hour due to rain and so instead of the 7:00AM start had actually begun around 7:30. Nah, it was most likely due to the fact that, well let's face it, it was dang coooold outside!

 Phil's handler, Ron Ploucha, coddles Phil

And long time co-handler, John Griffths has Phil's back (or is it the other way around?)

Oh well, no worries Phil, I still love ya!


  1. Poor Phil, he should be napping.

  2. I think ours said early spring. We will see who's right? LOL!

    1. LOL! I sure pray YOURS is right, Stacy~ Had quite enough of this winter weather and really can't wait for springtime! ;)
